(日本語) 軽井沢クルーア関連の記事が二つの雑誌に掲載されました。
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この度、株式会社PLAN一級建築士事務所は、株式会社アークブレインとともに、軽井沢エリアにコーポラティブハウスを計画しています。 詳しくは、https://plan-sumai.jp をご覧ください。 また、住まいの購入について考えてみたい方々を対象に、月に一度のペースでセミナーを開催いたします。セミナーでは、デンマークで数々のコーポラティブ住宅を設計している弊社代表・齋藤光代をはじめ、各回専門家を招き、レクチャーを頂く予定です。コーポラティブ住宅を購入するにあたり必要な知識をインプットしていただくとともに、これからのライフステージのあり方をともに考えます。ぜひご参加下さい。
Mitsuyo Saito coordinated a visit of the Japanese delegation, consisting of a former politician, professors and leaders of the nursing home. They visited the day care center in Dragør. The chief of the welfare department welcomed them. At the city hall. In the workshop of the day care centre.
LANDSCAPE DESIGN-94 (2014.2) is on sale now. Mitsuyo Saito introduced a new transport hub with an unique concept in Denmark.
Citizen, licensed architects and chaos of aesthetics. The Japanese-born, Danish trained architect MAA Mitsuyo Saito talks about the rebuilding of a tsunami affected village, social accommodation facilities and worked as a Danish architect in Japan. The interview is the second in a series of MAA’er abroad.
70 hour working week, morning gymnastics and bricks to be moved in one away – cultural differences were many, as OENS Murerfirma went to Tokyo to help build a house.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Andre Henrik Christian, The Crown Prince of Denmark visited Japan from 13th (Monday) to 16th (Thursday) June 2011 to offer the condolence and express support to the Japanese people in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and the nuclear disaster struck Japan.